Marketing Assistant, Lane Taylor, Completes ExportGA Training
Toccoa, Georgia- July 25, 2016– Osborne wood Products, Inc. was recently awarded for the successful completion of ExportGA’s series of educational seminars. During these seminars, Osborne’s Marketing Assistant, Lane Taylor, attended classes and workshops about effective exporting and creating a market entry strategy for international business. ExportGA was organized and presented by The University of Georgia’s Small Business Development Center and its partners of the U.S. Export Assistant Center. Pictured to the left of Taylor is Rick Martin, director of the International Trade Center for the University of Georgia SBDC.
Throughout the five week program, Osborne was paired with an intern from the University of Georgia (UGA) who worked with Taylor to create a successful business plan for international trade. This plan went into action, as Taylor used this research in preparation for a business venture to the United Kingdom where she met with customers and conducted research on current trends and demands.

Taylor said, “Export GA was a great experience for me. The team at the Small Business Development Center did a great job creating a course with valuable information for the attendees. Our intern from UGA was exceptional and did a fantastic job researching potential markets for Osborne. The information she provided gave us insight into open markets for our products, including the United Kingdom. As a direct result, I was able to personally travel to the UK to visit with current and potential customers.”
ExportGA has proven to be a wonderful resource for Osborne to further develop current relations while exploring new opportunities for growth and for business. Taylor went on to say, “It was an honor working with the team of Export GA and taking part in this worthwhile program!”
Osborne Wood Products, Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of wood furniture and kitchen components. With thousands of products available, they have engaged in trade with the United States, Canada, as well as many customers world-wide since 1979.
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