Services Offered at Osborne Wood Products
At Osborne Wood Products we are committed to delivering quality products to meet your woodworking needs. We realize that sometimes our standard items need a little tweaking to make the perfect match. That is why we offer various services in order to meet all of your build specifications. From shipping requests to custom milling work, Osborne offers a variety of services that are available through our customer service department. Below you will find a list of these services, as well as a short description. If we can assist you with any of these services please call our friendly customer service representatives at 1-800-849-8876. We will be more than happy to assist you in placing your order.
Shipping Options:

No Peanuts– We realize that sometimes those little peanuts seem like more of a pest than an asset to your project. Eliminate the little guys by calling and requesting your item ship with No Peanuts! We’ll make sure there is no escaping foam when you open your next package from us.
Dry Pack– Wood is not a stable element, and sometimes changes in moisture can cause the product to crack. This is one of the reasons we request that you inspect and finish the items immediately upon arrival. If you also want to give them extra protection on the way, Dry Pack will add extra shrink wrap to help prevent cracking due to moisture change while in transit.
No Invoice/Packing Slip– Are you shipping your items to a finisher or customer? You may choose not to include a packing slip with your order. We can email you a copy of your invoice and leave the packing slip out.
Packing Slip on Outside of Box– Make the task of sorting boxes more efficient by having the packing slip attached to the outside of your box. There’s no need for digging through packaging and products to find the slip with this option.
Include Paperwork in Shipment– Do you need to place additional paperwork in the box to be sent with the order? Request this service and email/fax it to us, and we will include it in the shipment!
Rush– A rush guarantees that your product leaves our building the day it is ordered. To check if your product(s) are available for this service call our customer service line. Rush orders shipping UPS Ground are an additional fee for the Rush Service. (Expedited shipping does not require a charge and you can call to check the shipping options for your order.)
Bill Recipient– Do you have a UPS or FedEx account? Let us know we can ship on your account! We won’t charge you for shipping, but a handling charge will apply.
Hold for Ship Date– Do you need to order our products but are going out of town? Maybe you need to hold off on receiving the box. We can manufacture, box, and hold your products in our warehouse until your specified date.
Add Hard Cardboard Edging on All Exposed Side Corners of Products – Are you wanting extra protection for the edges of your legs during shipping? We can add our hard-cardboard edging to give extra protection to your items. This service only applies to standard legs 29” – 41” in height. Additional charges apply.
Sanding, Millwork and More:

Sanding to 220 Grit– Our products are sanded to 150 grit as a standard. If you need your items sanded to 220 grit, we can do that for you, as well. This additional sanding can only be done on Turnings made In House. Please check with our customer service representatives to make sure your items are eligible for this service. There is an additional charge for this service.
No Sanding– We can ship an item without any sanding. The item must be manufactured In House. There is no additional charge for this service. Please check with our customer service representatives to make sure your items are eligible for this service.
Hand Select– We can hand select from in stock items for specific traits. An example of this would be hand selecting a knotty pine leg for the greatest number of knots, or hand selecting a soft maple leg for the least amount of color variation. There is a fee per item for this service. This service only applies to items that are currently in stock. Please check with our customer service representatives to make sure your items are eligible for this service.
Hand Select from Raw Material – On items made in house that are not in stock we can hand select the raw lumber for specific traits. An example of this would be hand selecting a knotty pine leg for the greatest number of knots, or hand selecting a soft maple leg for the least amount of color variation. There is a fee per item for this service. This service only applies to items that are currently out of stock and are made In House. Please check with our customer service representatives to make sure your items are eligible for this service.
Solid Stock Only– You may request that only solids be sent for an item when they are available in stock. Items over 3.5″ wide are almost impossible to get as solids, as they tend to crack easily. Some wood types are hard to obtain in solids under 3.5″ wide as well, so if it is not in stock our customer service representatives may need to check with production before putting this service in. Additional charges apply for this service.
Exterior Glue– Although we do not recommend our products for exterior use you may request exterior glue be used in the production of your products. The items must be manufactured In House. There is a per item service charge for using exterior glue. Please check with our customer service representatives to make sure your items are eligible for this service.
Quarters– A turning may be sent as quarters (all four quarters sent). The item must be symmetrical in order for the product to be eligible for this service. Note: Quarters does allow for the width of the saw blade and are not “Perfect Quarters.” The fee for this is the price of the leg before discounts.
Quarter Notch– 1/4 of the leg will be removed, and both sections will be sent with order. The fee for this service is 50% of the price of the leg before discounts.
Rectangular Split– The leg will be cut in half for you, from top to bottom. Both halves are shipped with your order. The fee for this service is 50% of the price of the leg before discounts.
Diagonal Split– Split leg diagonally. Both pieces are shipped with order. The fee for this service is 50% of the price of the leg before discounts.
Trim Leg– If you have a specific leg style in mind but need it a little shorter, we can make this happen without a custom! Trimming is an additional fee per cut per leg. Cuts can be made at the top and/or bottom of the turning.
Chamfer– Our chamfer service is done to the top square of the leg. The width and height of the chamfer must be specified. Our standard chamfer is ¾” wide and 4” tall. This service can be added to a leg if the top square will accommodate the specified dimensions, and it is at an additional fee.
Skirt Legs– If you order a skirt set, this service will be done automatically and is included as part of the cost of the skirt kit. This service will mill the legs with mortises to match the tenons on the skirt boards, chamfer the corner, and add a threaded insert to go with the hardware for the corner braces. Get your own custom table skirt kit by filling out the form on our website!
Receptacle Notch– Our receptacle notch service is the following size: Receptacle notch is cut 1 ¼” from the top, 3” long, 2” wide, and 2 ¼” deep. There will be a 1″ hole through the center of the leg, so the leg must be at least 1 ¾” wide the entire length. The item must have a top square in order to be eligible for this service, as the notch will be centered in square, and the top block must be at least 5″ tall and 3″ wide. Specifications other than these listed may be done as custom millwork. Contact customer service for availability of other options. A service fee applies.
Horizontal Keyhole– Cut a single horizontal wood keyhole in the back of a corbel. Additional charges apply
Drill Hole– We are able to drill a hole (less than 3 ¾” deep) of varying diameters for hardware. The hole may be drilled on the top or bottom of the item and will be no deeper than 3 ¾”. Service charge applies.
Shelf Notch– A shelf notch can be added to a square block on the bottom of one of our products. The notch will meet your specification of distance from floor and thickness of the notch, so a CAD drawing will need to be created and approved. Service charge applies. The leg must have a bottom or middle square.
Mortise– Legs can be mortised on the top or bottom square of the product. The mortise may be milled into 1,2,3 or 4 sides of the leg (if 2- opposite or adjacent). Our standard mortise is 3” long x 3/8” wide x 7/8” deep and is set about 5/8” from the top of the leg. Items must have a top or bottom square in order to accept the mortise. A service charge per leg will apply.
Cut Moulding– If you need shorter sticks of moulding, or would like to cut down on shipping costs, we can cut the sticks of moulding so that all pieces are 45” or less. For a 96” piece of moulding this would be two 45” pieces and one 5 ¾” piece.
Trim Moulding – If you would like to save on shipping, we can trim our moulding to 93”.
Through Hole– Items manufactured In House may have a 1″ hole through the center of the product. The leg must be at least 1.75″ for the entire length, and 2″ is ideal. Service charges apply.
Custom Milling– Do you have a milling need not mentioned in this section? Contact our friendly customer service representatives for a quote to meet your milling needs at 1-800-849-8876.
Hardware Installation:

Industrial Hanger Installation– Our corbels come standard with keyholebrackets for hanging. However, for some projects a stronger method of installation may be needed. For this reason, Osborne offers Industrial Hanger installation services. Our industrial hangers are part #955HW. For corbels with a back surface less than 11” one hanger is used. For a surface greater than 11” two hangers would be installed. The installation service charge per hanger applies, plus the cost of the hanger.
Install Bolt/Screw– Our Screw Dowels (Part 910HW or 916HW), or Hanger Bolts (Parts 920HW, 925HW, or 930HW) can all be installed in your product. Hardware will be installed in the top or bottom center of the product. There is an install charge per hardware installed plus the cost of the hardware.
Install Bolt/Screw in Chamfer– Hardware may also be installed in a chamfer. Our chamfer service is done to the top square of the leg. The width and height of the chamfer must be specified. Our standard chamfer is ¾” wide and 4” tall. Then, the hardware of your choice will be installed at a designated height in the chamfer. A distance from the top of the leg to the center of the bolt/screw must be specified. The hardware must be added to the order so that it may be installed in the leg. Service charge applies.
Install Metal Keyhole Bracket– Corbels may be used in various projects. For some projects, you may need to flip the corbel and have keyhole brackets on what would originally be the top of the corbel. We can add keyhole brackets to the top of the corbel for you to assist you in completing your design. One to two brackets will be needed (depending on the depth of the corbel). The rule of thumb is that 1 bracket is used for corbels with a depth less than 8”. For a depth greater than 8”, two keyhole brackets will need to be installed. Fee applies.
Horizontal Keyhole – If a horizontal keyhole would be needed to install your corbels, we can cut a horizontal wooden keyhole in the back of the product. The back of the corbel must be at least 2 ¼” wide where the keyhole would be cut. The rule of thumb is that 1 keyhole is used for corbels with a depth less than 8”. For a depth greater than 8”, two keyholes will need to be cut. Additional fee applies.
Custom Install Hardware– Can’t find the installation you need for your product? Request a custom install with our friendly customer service staff at 1-800-849-8876. Prices will vary depending on service.
Please feel free to take full advantage of the services listed above! Our customer service representatives are standing by, and will assist you in determining exactly what you need in order to successfully complete your project.
If there is a custom service required, but it is not included on this list, please call us! We would love to check the available options for you in order to help meet your woodworking needs.
Our friendly staff is on the line from 8am to 7pm EST ready to assist you. Please call 1-800-849-8876 to speak with a representative today.