Meet Us At the Rustic Bar!
Add this post to our book of favorite projects!! Our friend Paula sent us pictures of the awesome bar she built using our Athens Mission Corbels (Part #8023), and it is giving us a serious case of home design envy!
These corbels offer a simplistic design with amazing support! Not only can this corbel be used to add a little subtle detailing, but it also does an amazing job at giving the bar a little extra support! Talk about a double whammy!
Paula decided to stain these corbels with an amazing light stain that matches the rest of the bar absolutely perfectly. She also informed us that the bar is made with burnt hickory boards that give the bar that amazing rustic look and definitely make the piece. Well done Paula! This bar is the perfect gathering place whether it be for an early morning cup of coffee with your family, using it as a buffet line when you entertain, or just a simple place to meet, greet, and eat with your favorite people.
Did this gorgeous bar give you project envy? Get started today with this stunning mission corbel or try one of our other corbel designs. We have several different sizes, patterns, shapes, and wood types. We even have a wide selection of island height corbels. So shop Osborne today, and find the corbel fit for your latest project.