Osborne Wood Products Meets with Customers in the United Kingdom

Toccoa, GA – Osborne Wood Products continues to grow as an international supplier of wood furniture and kitchen components. From April 11th– 15th Osborne Marketing Assistant Lane Taylor journeyed to the United Kingdom to meet with Osborne’s growing customer base.
The United Kingdom business mission was designed by Taylor as a research and networking venture. Taylor met with companies throughout England and Wales to further develop an understanding of their unique marketplace to enable Osborne Wood Products to further develop solutions to meet their needs.
“The internet is such a fantastic tool that can connect us globally,” Taylor said. “With our products being just a click away from our international buyers it is imperative that we understand their needs and offer the best solution. This trip enabled us to see firsthand how companies within the UK operate and where our products fall into the process.”
Orders being shipped to the United Kingdom have increased substantially for Osborne in 2015, causing a surge of interest in this area of the world. Osborne Wood Products participated in Export GA early in 2016, partnering with the University of Georgia to further research opportunities in the United Kingdom. This business venture was the next step in continuing to gain business and valuable relationships with UK customers.
“This trip was incredibly eye opening and a lot of great opportunities were discovered,” Taylor added. “I’m excited about the enthusiasm our customers showed and their desire to further increase business with us. Our partnerships can only become more effective as a result of this venture.”
Osborne Wood Products is a manufacturer and supplier of wood furniture and kitchen components. Supplying the United States, Canada, as well as many customers internationally, Osborne Wood Products has proudly served the trade as well as consumer since 1979.
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