Osborne Wood Products Sustainability Statement
Life –Community – Planet
“Sustainability is a concept that we take seriously at Osborne Wood Products. Not a trend, but a way of life; we seek to promote sustainability – of quality of life, of community, and of the planet – in all that we do.” – Leon Osborne, CEO
“Sustainability” is a word you hear alot, these days. “Going green” is the new trend, and a lot of companies andindividuals are scrambling to find ways to conform to it. Like most words inthe English language, “sustainability” is a word that has many connotations. Weat Osborne Wood Products, Inc. are trying to promote sustainability in everysense of the word. We believe in developing, implementing, and maintaininginnovative efforts to sustain and improve our quality of life, our communityand our planet; recognizing that these areas are all interconnected.

OsborneWood Products endeavors to be a sustaining force in the surrounding community.One way that we accomplish this is to host tours for high school and middleschool students, teaching them about the importance of getting a good job, andwhat steps they need to take to prepare themselves. Additionally, we haveparticipated in and donated to fundraisers for local literacy programs, such asSELF (Stephens Education and Literacy Foundation).

Another way in which Osborne seeks to give back to our community is through the support of local Scouting troops, and even local farmers. We have donated table legs to a home for abused and neglected children, and also to Project Playhouse (a fundraiser for Home-Aid Atlanta, who works to house the temporarily homeless in the Greater Atlanta area); activities like this are the heartbeat of this company. We also make it easy for employees to get involved by automatically deducting donations to the United Way from their paychecks.

OsborneWood Products, Inc. seeks to sustain the lives of the employees who work here.Not only are there expected benefits like medical, dental, and vision, butemployees are also encouraged in preventative health care. From seminars onwhole-body wellness to a full work-out facility, employees of Osborne WoodProducts, Inc. are encouraged to take care of their bodies before illnessoccurs. The on-site gym facility includes a full basketball court, racquetballcourt, weight room, and an aerobics room. Even the families of employees areable to come and enjoy these facilities along with them.

Sustainable office practices have been implemented that include:
- reducing paper and ink usage with electronic record-keeping;
- recycling of production sawdust as well as other waste products through clear signage at designated waste stations;
- reducing waste of beverage containers by providing coffee mugs and re-usable mugs;
- Installation of motion-activated overhead lighting in warehouses to ensure that energy is used only when needed;
- Transitioning to eco-friendly LED lighting in many work spaces
- Employees are highly encouraged to make suggestions for other “green” strategies and innovations to follow.

And lastly, although certainly not least, we here at Osborne Wood Products, Inc. make the effort to sustain our planet.
- In our recent building addition, we did research to determine the best eco-friendly ways to expand our offices and warehouse.
- We used sheet rock, paints, timber, and carpeting that were low (or no, in some cases) Volatile Organic Compounds (V.O.C.).
- We used blown-in cellulose insulation, which was made from recycled materials, for fiberglass-free insulation.
- The carpeting and the sound-proofing fabrics used in some office space were made from recycled materials as well.
- Many of our products are offered in Rubberwood (a type of maple also known as Parawood), which is an eco-friendly wood species.
- We are looking into other “green” wood types we can add to our already expansive repertoire of offerings.
All of these green initiatives contribute notjust to general eco-friendliness, but also to the health and welfare of Osborneemployees. We believe that all of our efforts to develop, implement andmaintain these“green” practices are improving our quality of life, our communityand our planet.
Operation FINALLY HOME was established in 2005 as a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2015 Operation FINALLY HOME is celebrating 10 years of providing custom-built, mortgage-free homes to America’s military heroes and the widows of the fallen, those who have worn America’s uniform and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values. Operation FINALLY HOME partners with corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, developers, individual contributors, and volunteers to help America’s military heroes and their families transition to the home front by addressing one of their most pressing needs—a home to call their own. To find out more, visit OperationFinallyHome.org.