Osborne works to Reduce Carbon Footprint
Did you know that cardboard is used to ship 90 percent of all products in the U.S., and that by recycling 1 ton of cardboard we can save 9 cubic yards of landfill space and 46 gallons of oil? Why is this important? From 1979 to 1995, only 16 short years, the quantity of landfills dropped by 84 percent while coincidentally the amount of trash generated in this country increased by 80%. We, as a nation, have become increasingly aware of our carbon foot print, however there are always areas for improvement.
Here at Osborne Wood Products we strive to be excellent in every aspect of our business. This philosophy encompasses more than simply punctilious attention to detail in our craftsmanship and streamlined logistics to ensure fast shipping. This also includes for us, doing our share to reduce our carbon footprint, increase sustainability and give back our environment.
How do we do this? One simple way as you might have guessed already, is recycling our copious amounts of cardboard we use each and every day. Our shipping department utilizes old cardboard by feeding it into a processing machine. This machine in turn, creates a cardboard mesh for packaging. Being a company that handles large quantities of cardboard on a daily basis, if this cardboard was simply discarded following the custom of many manufacturers, we would be making a substantial contribution to unnecessarily decreasing land fill space as well as oil usage and carbon emissions. This material we produce with recycled materials is not only more than adequate for packing purposes and environmentally responsible, but also cost effective as well. It is estimated that the machine has paid for itself over three times since its indoctrination into the OWP shipping protocol, as well as saved on the amount of packaging paper rolls required for shipment.
Operation FINALLY HOME was established in 2005 as a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2015 Operation FINALLY HOME is celebrating 10 years of providing custom-built, mortgage-free homes to America’s military heroes and the widows of the fallen, those who have worn America’s uniform and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values. Operation FINALLY HOME partners with corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, developers, individual contributors, and volunteers to help America’s military heroes and their families transition to the home front by addressing one of their most pressing needs—a home to call their own. To find out more, visit OperationFinallyHome.org.