Our Interns Are Off to College!
Today we say goodbye to our summer interns here at Osborne Wood Products. This summer has been a wonderful adventure where we have been incredibly blessed to get to know these wonderful students. Not only were they fun to have around, they have worked diligently and we could not be happier with the work that they’ve done over the last three months.
Mia Zirkle, Marketing Co-Op for the summer, worked on multiple projects including our new videos that are now posted on our YouTube page, assisting in designing our new trade show displays, and auditing our website to ensure that all products are listed correctly. Mia had this to say about her summer internship with Osborne – “I am really glad I have had this opportunity. I have truly learned a lot this summer, and I can’t wait to use the information that I have learned in the future.”
Drew Hogan, Accounting Co-Op for the summer, worked with our Accounting and Human Resources departments throughout the summer. Over this time period, he assisted with payroll, accounts payable, managing our SDS books to assure complete safety regulations, and also worked with creating the billboards that we have incorporated throughout our community. “It was a great experience,” Drew stated to us. ” I learned a lot this summer and met some great people.”
Amanda Zheng, Marketing / IT Co-Op for the summer, worked with two major players of our company. Amanda assisted our IT department with many projects such as troubleshooting computer problems and acquiring data from the system to assist in raising the quality of our system servers, and assisted with the IT Equipment and Asset Inventory project. With our marketing department, Amanda was involved in assisting with the audits to ensure that all products were listed correctly, and running data on our product quality and sales. When asked about her experience at Osborne, she stated that she was “Incredibly blessed to have had this opportunity. This summer was filled with wonderful experiences and memorable moments that I am glad I got the chance to be a part of.”
We asked our team members who were directly involved with their projects and training how they enjoyed their summer with out interns who had this to say about the experience. Vice President and Marketing Director, Christian Smedberg stated that “Working with our Co-ops has been a pleasure and a privilege throughout the summer. I expect every one of them to create success wherever they end up next.” When Daniel Moore, IT associate was asked about his experience with the interns, he told us, “I think having the Co-Op program is very exciting. While they are only here for the summer, they are gaining valuable knowledge, experience, and skills that they would not get from working on other entry level positions. They go from high school to a professional workforce to college. This gives them a professional edge over their peers who did not experience the same level of professionalism that they experienced here at Osborne Wood Products. I know they will do great in the future. I really enjoyed getting to know our Co-Op students and to hear their interests and concerns and to answer any questions they had.”
We look forward to seeing how great our interns do in the future and we commend them for their choices in college and professions. We know you will all do great things in life and wish you the best! Congratulations on the beginning of your future!
Operation FINALLY HOME was established in 2005 as a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2015 Operation FINALLY HOME is celebrating 10 years of providing custom-built, mortgage-free homes to America’s military heroes and the widows of the fallen, those who have worn America’s uniform and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values. Operation FINALLY HOME partners with corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, developers, individual contributors, and volunteers to help America’s military heroes and their families transition to the home front by addressing one of their most pressing needs—a home to call their own. To find out more, visit OperationFinallyHome.org.