Osborne Supports Instagram Builder's Challenge
Toccoa, Georgia- May 25, 2017- Osborne Wood Products, Inc. had the pleasure of supporting the Instagram Builder’s Challenge for the second year in a row. This challenge is for hobbyist woodworkers across the United States. Former Marketing Assistant, Lane Taylor, from Osborne was asked to participate as a judge of the challenge along with five others- DIY Blogger Ana White, Chip Wade, and representatives from Spax USA and Dap Products.

The challenge ran from March 26th to April 16th. During the challenge, builders created a design based on certain specifications. Creators would post a picture of their final pieces on Instagram using the hashtags #IGBC3 and #IGbuilderschallenge3. After meeting these outlined specifications, the pieces were judged based on five criteria- beauty, function, craftsmanship, finish, and creativity. Aside from contributing with the judging of each completed project, Osborne Wood Products, Inc. also donated prizes to the three winners: Meghan Baker from Sweet Aloha Designs (grand prize winner), Stephanie Abbott from Abbotts at Home (second place), and Shawn Parsley from Industrial Vibe (third place).
Osborne loves to support DIYers, hobbyist, and those wishing to pursue their passion of woodworking. Marketing Assistant, Megan Monge, confirms this by saying, “We absolutely love being involved with our bloggers and seeing their projects. Being involved with the IG Builders Challenge was a privilege and an opportunity for Osborne Wood Products to help other DIYers.”
Osborne Wood Products, Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of wood furniture and kitchen components. With thousands of products available, they have engaged in trade with the United States, Canada, as well as many customers world-wide since 1979.
Operation FINALLY HOME was established in 2005 as a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2015 Operation FINALLY HOME is celebrating 10 years of providing custom-built, mortgage-free homes to America’s military heroes and the widows of the fallen, those who have worn America’s uniform and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values. Operation FINALLY HOME partners with corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, developers, individual contributors, and volunteers to help America’s military heroes and their families transition to the home front by addressing one of their most pressing needs—a home to call their own. To find out more, visit OperationFinallyHome.org.