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Osborne Wood Products Promotes Lean Management Practices

Osborne Company News

This week marks a significant step in Osborne Wood Products latest training agenda. The most recent training entails an implementation of Lean Fundamentals Training that the company had learned earlier this year. This plan is a continued step forward in creating top efficiency within company procedures.

Back in February, SFM Group LLC hosted a “Ground Zero Workshop” at Osborne Wood Products. This workshop was designed to accomplish objectives that introduce fundamentals of continuous improvement, show the effectiveness of using simple standard operating procedures, demonstrate foundation applications in communication, and ensure the value of team decision making. This workshop was only the first step to change within the company. The last two months have been when the fundamentals learned at the workshop were slowly being implemented within the company, leading up to this week.

Josh Lillie, of Osborne Wood Products, had this to say about the training, “This visit specifically honed in on launching our teams within the organization in a standard format, introducing ‘team huddles’ and scaling the same agenda throughout the organization. I am anticipating that this will help unify our operations within our departments as well as enhance our interdepartmental communication as a company.”

This week’s training consists of SFM Group coming up to coach the teams on their specific roles within the organization. These teams are sorted based on department and support each other through specific responsibilities and operating practices. Each team will meet on a daily basis to discuss factors such as communication, scheduling, productivity, organization, work instructions, and even to offer suggestions. SFM Group is here to help facilitate the implementation of these meetings, as well as to offer advice to the team leaders.

Osborne Wood Products is excited for this new step in their processes. This training begins a new change in how Osborne does manufacturing. Already devoted to quality products, this standard will help Osborne to be even more efficient than it already is.

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