Saying Goodbye to Our Spring Intern
Spring intern, Josiah Renz, has said goodbye to his internship here at Osborne Wood Products. During his time, he has helped in several departments on various projects. He started his journey with our safety department by transferring paper employee training files on to our online server. He also revised and updated our safety data sheet books. Josiah did spend the majority of his time in our marketing department. He assisted with writing product descriptions, locating product photographs for our website, updating SEO descriptions, adding related product pages, and updating pricing as needed. One of the largest projects Josiah worked on recruiting videos with our filming agency.
When asked what he enjoyed the most about working with Osborne Wood Products he states that he enjoyed seeing how a smaller company operates in a global capacity. He also enjoyed working with multiple departments to learn more about a whole company instead of one department. Josiah explains that it was a pleasure to apply skills he had learned in a classroom setting into a workplace setting. One of the most challenging tasks he faced was planning, organizing, communicating, and efficiently working on our recent recruitment videos. This task made him use what he had learned in theory and put it to practice.
When we asked Lexie London, a team member that was directly involved in projects with Josiah, who had this to say. “Working with Josiah had been a great pleasure and privilege. I always knew I could count on him to go above and beyond on all the task I assigned to him. I expect him to be successful wherever he may end up next.”
Josiah is currently a junior at Toccoa Falls College majoring in Business Administration. We wish you well in your collegiate and professional future.
Operation FINALLY HOME was established in 2005 as a nonpartisan/nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2015 Operation FINALLY HOME is celebrating 10 years of providing custom-built, mortgage-free homes to America’s military heroes and the widows of the fallen, those who have worn America’s uniform and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values. Operation FINALLY HOME partners with corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, developers, individual contributors, and volunteers to help America’s military heroes and their families transition to the home front by addressing one of their most pressing needs—a home to call their own. To find out more, visit