Builder's Studio: DIY Panel Moulding / Wainscoting

Panel moulding is a great option for adding detail to the walls in your space. Commonly referred to as "Wainscoting", this design style can be customized to your preferences and easily installed onto any wall! Osborne offers a wide selection of panel moulding so that you can find the perfect fit. To install, simply find the length of your wall and determine the number of panel boxes you wish to have. Then determine the size of each box and install using adhesive and finish nails! These wooden mouldings come sanded to 150 grit and ready for finishing.

Products featured in this video:

What we used:

Other items needed:

Measuring TapeMiter SawPainter's Tape (optional)
Liquid Nail AdhesiveNail GunLevel

Assembly Steps

Step 1 - Plan box layout

Measure and mark the positioning for each box that will be installed. Determine the number of boxes you desire, along with the gap sizes between them.

Step 2 - Cut moulding pieces

Cut all of the moulding to size using a miter saw at a 45 degree angle. Make sure the cuts are made so the moulding will be facing the right way when installed.

Step 3 - Optional: Apply painter's tape

Apply painter’s tape to the marks on the wall to help with the alignment process during installation. 

Tip: This step is optional.

Step 4 - Add adhesive

Apply liquid nail adhesive to the back of the moulding and place it onto the wall following the marks and tape you used earlier. Use the nail gun to further secure the moulding. Frequently check the leveling of the moulding while installing.

Step 5 - Repeat

Repeat this process until you finish your first box, then install the remaining boxes for the rest of the wall.

Step 6 - Add caulk

Apply caulk to each seam and nail hole to avoid any uneven looks. Sand as needed.

Step 7 - Finish the moulding

Paint the moulding the color of your choice and the installation is complete!

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