Everyday Enchanting Fireplace Makeover Features Osborne Corbels

At Osborne Wood Products we talk a lot about the kitchen. You’ll find tips, tricks, and great quality products for anything from upgrades to remodels to full renovations. Today I’d like to step out of the kitchen and into another essential space for the home: the living space. The living room is truly an area for the whole family to enjoy. Whether a room all to itself, or in an open floor plan, a living space can be transformed into the space you always dreamed of. Our friend Nina at Everyday Enchanting shows a great way to transform a focal point in your living space: the fireplace.
Is the fireplace in your home old and outdated? Is it an eye sore? Maybe you’re just ready for something new. Everyday Enchanting offers an amazing step-by-step guide to her fireplace make over. The final product looks amazing, an absolute transformation! Best of all, we were so excited to be able to be a part of this project! Our Barcelona Mission Corbels (Part #8053) were a perfect fit! Corbels definitely aren’t just for the kitchen anymore! These beautiful hand carved mission corbels are the perfect size to accent the mantel piece, add intricate detail, and compliment the entire design.
Amazing work Nina! Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of this fireplace make over!