Osborne's Haden Smith Joins WCMA Education & Programs Committee

Toccoa, GA – Thriving to serve its member base with informational, educational, and beneficial seminars and meetings, the Wood Components Manufacturer’s Association (WCMA) welcomes a new member to the planning team.
Osborne Wood Product’s Haden Smith has been inducted as one of the members of the WCMA Education & Programs Committee. Offering new ideas, excitement, and a fresh outlook on the industry, Smith is eager to embark on this new journey. “I was approached by Amy Snell, the director of the WCMA,” Smith said. “She was looking for more input on the educational committee and I felt like I could bring some good ideas. Serving on the committee allows me to influence the seminar topics and speakers for our spring and fall conventions. This helps the association offer the most relevant content possible to its members. It’s a great opportunity and I’m excited to serve on the committee.”
As part of the Educations & Programs Committee, Smith is able to offer opinions and insight into seminar and conference education and training programs. Smith noted, “The most exciting thing for me with this committee is that we can act as a voice for not only WCMA members, but our industry as a whole. We can find out what problems, issues, or challenges our industry is facing, and find relevant speakers and training courses to benefit us.” He also added, “One challenge we face is to make sure that the content of our seminars is beneficial without creating an advertisement. We don’t want sessions to be about how a specific product fixes a problem. We’re more interested in offering different ideas and proactive solutions to avoid the problem altogether. We are looking for proactive solutions, practical application, and training in a manner that our members can both relate to and understand.”
The Education & Programs Committee is responsible for making recommendations for the fall and spring conferences, plant tours, and training courses. The committee works within the overall mission of the association. “The Wood Component Manufacturers Association advances and promotes the interests of the North American wood products industry through interactive and innovative manufacturing solutions.” Osborne Wood Products is a proud member of the WCMA and is excited about the opportunity to work with and contribute to the Education & Programs Committee.
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