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'Customer Built' Table Using Osborne Table Slides

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Many of us can relate to Rob V. He is an amateur woodworker who loves to spend as much time as possible in his shop. Recently, Rob took on the project of creating a new table for his wife. He decided on a Maple top with one 18” leaf (that he made himself) to match the grain of the table.

Rob told us that, “The leaf is 18″ and The Osborne wood slides (Part #9056) perform absolutely great. Very smooth and stable.”
Rob secured the table top, tapered the table legs, and smoothed the table top in his shop.

Rob explains that “the finish is sprayed General Enduro Var which gives a slight yellow tint similar to using oil based finishes – 3 coats then rubbed down to a very smooth satin finish.”

Not only did Rob design and build a beautiful table, but he learned a lot along the way. Let’s see what Rob would do differently next time:

1 – More time on the jointer to assure everything was straight and 90 degrees.

2 – Set up a really large shooting board to make the joint perfect between the table halves and also the leaf.

3 – Finish only once.

Rob explains that as he and his wife were carrying the table he patted on the sheet covering the table. His well trained shepherd/lab mix, Moose, took this as a command to ‘GO HERE.’ Needless to say, it was back to 80 grit again!

Thank you, Rob, for allowing us to be a part of your project. Keep up the good work!


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