Builder's Studio: Wine-Box End Table

In this episode of Builder's Studio, Jeremy demonstrates how to build an end table with round-tapered legs and leg mounting plate hardware. These components are part of our Mid Century Modern Collection which features various solutions to upgrading your space. This unique example of a mid century modern build reuses a wine box as the table top. The simplicity of our round tapered wooden legs make them highly versatile and create endless DIY possibilities.

Assembly Instructions

Materials Used:

Tools Needed:

  • Drill and drill bit

  • Threaded inserts

  • Clamp

  • Tape

  • Measuring tape or ruler

  • 8mm allen wrench

  • Writing utensil


  1. First, we will need to secure two points of contact with our legs in order to safely drill a straight hole in the top for our threaded inserts.

  2. Get two pieces of scrap wood of the exact same width and height, find the center and drill a hole through both of them. One hole should be larger than the other.
    1. Use an extra block underneath the piece you will be cutting to prevent it from cutting into your work table below.

    2. We went with a 1 1/2” hole and the other just a little bit larger than that.

  3. Slide your two pieces of wood onto your legs and secure to your work table with a clamp.
    1. This will allow for two points of contact and will help secure your legs while also keeping them level while you drill.

  4. Grab the mounting plate hardware and the included threaded dowel. Pre-thread one into the mounting plate where it is not quite flush with the back of the piece.

  5. Next, using a 3/8” drill bit, measure and place a piece of tape on the drill bit in correlation to how much threaded dowel you have left sticking out.

  6. Keeping the drill as straight as possible, drill your hole to the edge of the tape on the drill bit.
    1. This will ensure that your threaded dowels go far enough into the leg and will allow for a nice flush contact with the mounting plate.

  7. Double check with your mounting plate and threaded dowel that your hole is indeed deep enough.

  8. Using an 8mm allen wrench, install the threaded insert into the legs until it is flush with the top of the wood.

  9. Next, screw in the threaded dowel.

  10. Using the table top of your choice, (we used an old wine box) make determinations on where you would like to attach the mounting plates.
    1. After ensuring that your mounting plates are where you want, we recommend lightly tracing two outside edges.

  11. Screw the mounting plates into place using the provided screws.

  12. Finally, screw the legs into the mounting plates and tighten them up.

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