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  2. Wood Table Legs
  3. Dining & Desk Table Legs

Country Dining Table Leg

Part #303463
$124.98 ea

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  • 2022-09-01 Material: Poplar (paintgrade)

    I’m using these legs to make lamps that feature my hand painted lampshades. I’m expanding my brand and going national. If I could get wholesale, or discounted prices that would help so much!

  • 2020-11-21 Material: Red Oak

    This was my first time buying from Osborne, and I was skeptical, but I absolutely plan to buy from Osborne again. I was very impressed with the overall quality of these table legs. The glue joints were perfect and the legs came sanded and ready for stain and finish. They were exactly what I was looking for.

  • 2020-06-26 Material: Knotty Pine

    Table looks amazing and the legs fit the need perfectly.

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