Vineyard Collection CAD Drawings
1 1/2" x 7/8" Carved Acanthus Leaf Moulding
1 1/4" x 1/2" Carved Acanthus Leaf Moulding
1 1/4" x 3/4" Carved Acanthus Leaf Moulding
1 3/4" x 3/8" Acanthus Leaf Moulding
1 3/8" x 3/4" Sm. Vine Half Round Moulding
1 5/8" x 3/4" Carved Acanthus Leaf Moulding
2 1/2" x 5/8" Small Acanthus Leaf Crown
2 3/4" x 3/4" Pierced Grape Moulding
2 3/4" x 7/8" Modified Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
2 5/8" x 7/8" Lg. Vine Half Round Moulding
2" x 1 7/8" Acanthus Leaf Backband
3 1/2" x 1" Pierced Acanthus Leaf Moulding
3 1/2" x 5/8" Acanthus Leaf Moulding
3 1/2" x 5/8" Grape Moulding
3 17/32" x 11/16" Medium Acanthus Crown Moulding
3 3/4" x 7/8" Decorative Vine Frieze Chair Rail Moulding
3" x 1" Floral Pierced Moulding
3" x 1" Pierced Shell Moulding
4 1/2" x 3/4" Open Grape Vine Moulding
4 11/16" x 27/32" Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
4 3/4" x 1" Acanthus Leaf Chair Rail
4 3/4" x 1" Modified Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
4 3/4" x 3/4" Acanthus Chair Rail
4 3/4" x 3/4" Carved Vine Chair Rail
4 7/16" x 27/32" Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
4 7/8" x 3/4" Carved Grape Chair Rail
4" x 3/4" Carved Chair Rail
5 1/2" x 1" Scroll Leaf Frieze Chair Rail Moulding
5 1/2" x 7/8" Floral Leaf Frieze Chair Rail Moulding
5 13/16" x 31/32" Modified Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
5 3/8" x 7/8" Acanthus Leaf Chair Rail
5 5/8" x 1 1/16" Carved Grape Crown
5 7/8" x 29/32" Fluted Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
5" x 1" Acanthus Leaf Crown Moulding
5/8" x 3/8" Carved Acanthus Leaf Moulding
6 3/8" x 7/8" Floral Crown Moulding
7 1/8" x 1 7/16" Leaf Crown Moulding
7" x 1 3/32" Floral Leaf Crown Moulding
7/8" x 1/2" Carved Acanthus Leaf Moulding
9" x 2 1/8" Carved Vine Crown Moulding
Acanthus Leaf Bracket
Acanthus Leaf Bracket
Acanthus Leaf Bracket
Acanthus Leaf Carved Dining Table Leg
Acanthus Leaf Center Crown Block
Acanthus Leaf Corner Foot (Left)
Acanthus Leaf Corner Foot (Right)
Acanthus Leaf Decorative Pilaster
Acanthus Leaf Inside Corner Block
Acanthus Leaf Pilaster Capital
Acanthus Leaf Pilaster Capital
Acanthus Leaf Pilaster Capital
Acanthus Leaf Round Bun Foot
Acanthus Outside Corner Block
Acanthus Wall Bracket
Ancona Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Ancona Corbel with Grapes
Athens Bar Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Athens Bar Corbel with Grapes
Ball & Claw Acanthus Leg
Barcelona Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Barcelona Corbel with Grapes
Baroque Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Carpi Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Carved Grape Corner Post
Carved Grape Decorative Pilaster
Carved Grape Kitchen Island Column
Carved Grape Swag
Carved Leaf Corner Post
Carved Scroll Corners (Pair)
Carved Scroll Sofa Leg
Classic Large Applique
Classic Medium Applique
Classic Small Applique
Corinthian Corbel
Corinthian Half Capital
Corinthian Half Capital
Corinthian Half Capital
Corinthian Pilaster
Corinthian Pilaster Assembly
Corner Acanthus Leaf Ogee Foot
Crest Corner Post
Curved Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Curved Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Decorative Appliques (Pair)
Decorative Corner Carvings (Pair)
Dense Grape Cluster
Egg & Dart Corbel
Embossed Acanthus Leaf Ornament
Embossed Center Ornament
Embossed Center Ornament
Embossed Swirl Ornament (Left)
Embossed Swirl Ornament (Right)
Extended Roman Island Height Corbel with Acanthus
Floral Scrolls (Pair)
Fluted Acanthus Kitchen Island Leg
Fluted Acanthus Kitchen Island Leg
French Carved Corner Leg
French Corner Leg
Grape Cluster
Grape Large Applique
Grape Medium Applique
Grape Small Applique
Grape Square
Grape Vine Applique Left
Grape Vine Applique Right
Hamilton Coastal Corbel
Hillcrest Coastal Corbel
Hutchinson Kitchen Island Leg
Hutchinson Kitchen Island Leg
Hutchinson Sofa Leg
Islander with Acanthus Leaves Kitchen Island Leg
Islander with Acanthus Leaves Kitchen Island Leg
Large Acanthus Half Finial
Large Acanthus Half Round Capital
Large Acanthus Leaf
Large Acanthus Leaf Bracket
Large Acanthus Leaf Center
Large Carved Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Large Crown Block
Large Egg & Dart Corbel
Large Floral Drop
Large Floral Scrolls (Pair)
Large Grape Center
Large Grape Cluster Left
Large Grape Cluster Right
Large Grape Onlay Left
Large Grape Onlay Right
Large Grape Onlays (Pair)
Large Grape Swag
Large Open Grape Corbel
Large Scrolls with Flowers (Pair)
Large Traditional Grape Carved Corbel
Left Staircase Onlay (Carved Scroll)
Left Swirl Embossed Applique
Left Vertical Swirl
Lg. Leaf End
Medium Acanthus Half Finial
Medium Acanthus Half Round Capital
Medium Acanthus Leaf
Medium Acanthus Leaf Center
Medium Corinthian Capital
Medium Grape Center
Medium Grape Onlays (Pair)
Mid-Sized Carved Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Mid-Sized Carved Grape Corbel
Mid-Sized Grape Onlay (Left Side)
Mid-Sized Grape Onlay (Right Side)
Milan Corbel with Grapes
Modified Bar Corbel with Grapes
Narrow Acanthus Leaf Bar Corbel
Narrow Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Narrow Beaded Corbel
Narrow Beaded Corbel (Small)
Narrow Crest Corner Post
Narrow Fluted Acanthus Kitchen Island Leg
Narrow Fluted Acanthus Kitchen Island Leg
Petite Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Petite Corinthian Capital
Petite Corinthian Corbel
Ravenna Island Height Corbel with Grapes
Right Leaf Swirl Embossed Ornament
Right Staircase Onlay (Carved Scroll)
Right Swirl Embossed Applique
Right Vertical Swirl
Roman Island Height Corbel with Grapes
Rose Swag
Simple Acanthus Leaf Corbel
Simple Leaf Corbel
Small Acanthus Half Finial
Small Acanthus Half Round Capital
Small Acanthus Leaf Bracket
Small Acanthus Leaf Center
Small Corinthian Capital
Small Corinthian Corbel
Small Crown Block
Small Floral Drop
Small Grape Center
Small Grape Corbel with Acanthus Leaf
Small Grape Onlay Left
Small Grape Onlay Right
Small Grape Onlays (Pair)
Small Modified Acanthus Corbel
Small Traditional Acanthus Bracket
Square Acanthus Foot
Swirl Large Applique
Swirl Medium Applique
Tall Corinthian Corbel
Thin Grape Cluster
Traditional Acanthus Leaf Bracket
Traditional Grape Corbel
Traditional Grape Corbel
Venice Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Venice Corbel with Grapes
Verona Corbel with Acanthus Leaves
Verona Corbel with Grapes
Xtra Large Grape Corbel
Xtra Large Open Grape Corbel